Gone Too Soon: Tragic Celebrity Cancer Victim.

British rock star David Bowie was known for his hit songs spanning four decades, including the space travel themed, “Space Oddity.” He was also known for his wild stage costumes, which included his alter ego, “Ziggy Stardust.” Some of his last songs released were his most emotional. His final studio album, “Blackstar,” was released just two days before his 2016 death from liver cancer, according to RadarOnline.com Online. Bowie had not made his illness public up until shortly before the album was released and it was intended to serve as a goodbye to his friends, family and fans.

Entertainers — including musicians, actors and sports figures who we look up to — can come to seem like part of our family. Which is why it is extra hard when their lives are cut short and sometimes it can feel like we have lost a loved one.
Everyone knows someone whose life has been affected tragically by cancer, and celebrities are no different. While their star may have been brilliant while with us, these celebrity cancer victims were tragically taken from us much too soon.


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