Ex-Man United star Bobby Power dies after cancer battle aged 40

Ex-Manchester United star Bobby Power has died following a battle with pancreatic cancer aged 40. 

The footballer passed away at Dr Kershaw's Hospice in Oldham just two weeks after marrying his childhood sweetheart, Jemma Power-Bliss, in front of friends and family on Valentine's Day. 

The sportsman also left behind his three daughters Loren, 20, Kaitlyn, 19, and 12-year-old Heidi. 

Bobby was a youth player at Manchester United in the 1990s, before more recently gaining a huge following on social media as a motivational fitness guru who enjoyed climbing outdoors.

Friends of the star described his wedding to childhood sweetheart Jemma as 'beautiful' and 'special', allowing the couple to share their vows at 'very short notice'.  A JustGiving page started by friend Leigh Sarsfield read: '[Thanks] for organising a beautiful wedding to allow Bobby & Jem to become husband and wife at very short notice and making their day so special the continued support for Bobby and his family at such a challenging time from each and every staff member is truly incredible, we cannot thank you enough.' 

Bobby was known by friends and family as an incredibly fit person who would visit the gym three times a day, making his sudden diagnosis even more devastating. 

The sportsman's mother, Estrella Barry, recalled the moment Bobby told her he had pancreatic cancer, saying: 'I was like ''no way, not you... you're going to live to 110''. But unfortunately it was true.' Bobby first knew something was wrong when he felt more lethargic than usual after climbing a mountain. He then began lacking appetite before beginning to turn 'yellow'. 

'He spent the rest of his life trying to find a cure. He wanted to live for his girls. He did everything he could,' said Estrella. 

Bobby's muscles started to disintegrate as his cancer progressed and he soon became unrecognizable.  


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